New Transfer!

What is up everyone? Elder Hayes in a new transfer with a new companion. And let me tell you it's going to be a good one. We lost some awesome missionaries and among them, Hermana Pyper went to my first area and I'm just so excited for her haha. Stephenville is the best! I know that she can really help build up the Spanish work there! Anyways this transfer started off with a great week! Let me tell you why it was so.

Tuesday we had a lot of service and Elder Meyers finished packing!(Sad)  and it was definitely weird haha. I've had a companion go home before but it still is always super strange. Kinda makes you a little trunky sometimes but I'm used to it now haha. On Wednesday was the final day and it was so sad to say bye! Made me remember the last time I said bye to Elder Fisher when he went home. So sad. But I am now with Elder Guajardo and he is such a stud. We are super good friends and we have been having an awesome time together so far! We had a member lesson with Hermana Altagracia on Wednesday night. She is so sweet and it was a good time for sure. After that, we made an AWESOME hype video for our zone so if you want to see it send me a personal message haha.

On Thursday we had service with a food bank in the morning and then did a lot of planning for this new transfer! We are so hyped for the zone! We got so many awesome missionaries. We also had a meeting with some of the missionaries in our zone talking about how we can make Facebook Blitz more effective in our zone. A Facebook Blitz is like where we all get together and try to find as many people on Facebook as we can. They are pretty fun but we are trying to make more variety In it so the missionaries in the zone can stay attentive!

On Friday we had the Spanish District Council and the new District Leader is Elder Rosas! He came out with me and he is so awesome! Such a good guy. We also had a little service where we moved some boxes which is always a good time! And then that night we had the Zone Spanish Study and Facebook Blitz! They both went pretty well and the zone seemed to enjoy it!

On Saturday we scraped some paint off of a truck and that was pretty fun haha. We did it for a member in our ward who is closing his taco truck business. He is selling it and needed the paint taken off so naturally, that is a job for the Elders! Haha, it went pretty well though. He gave us food which is always nice. Paint thinner is kinda dangerous though don't let that stuff stay on you Haha it's really strong.

Sunday was a really solid day. We were both super tired but we had some really solid planning get done and had an awesome lesson with Miguel again! His baptism is THIS WEEK. I can't believe it. I'm so hyped. He is so ready. We also had a mission devotional at night and I helped out with the musical number! A sister in the zone sang and I accompanied her on the piano! So much fun!

Anyways overall this week was really good and I just feel very blessed all the time. Love you guys! Let me know what's going on!

Elder Hayes


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