Tribute to elder carter an elder fowler
On Tuesday morning of May 18th, 2020, Elders Luke Carter and Eli Fowler were killed in a brutal head on collision. I was their Zone Leader at the time in the Texas Fort Worth Mission. I don't think I could ever fully describe how it felt in words. Starting from getting a phone call hearing that they hadn't been seen or heard from, to seeing a news article that there had been an accident with two young men being killed, and ultimately to being gathered as a zone after hours to hear the news from our mission president Jeffery Chapman, it was something I never thought I'd experience.
I had known Elder Fowler at that point for about 16 months. I met him in January of 2019. He was always joking, having fun, and making people smile. I could tell he was a really genuine person. He went home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but when he came back in April of 2020 he came back into my zone! I was so lucky I'd finally be able to get to know him better and actually serve around him! Sadly, that didn't last long. I was able to see in the few weeks he was with us that he loved being a missionary, and truly showed it in all that he did. I love him. I miss him, and won't forget the last thing he said to me was actually a compliment after a good game of indoor soccer the day before the accident
Elder Carter from the moment I met him was a joy to be around. I met him when I transferred into the zone in March of 2020. He was a fairly new missionary, but he was so good I could already tell! I knew that he wanted to be here, and he definitely carried a light with him. He was always smiling, and was so happy. I was grateful for his good to honest heart, and all that he did in his service. I remember I felt bad because we played soccer without him the day before the accident. He was talking to family, but was still upset we didn't let him know at the least haha. I promised we'd play the next week, but obviously that wasn't able to happen. I also still have to play him in a pokemon card battle! I love him, and am grateful for the chance I had to know and befriend him.
Overall, this experience has taught me many things, here are a few:
1. The Resurrection is Real
I know that because of Jesus Christ, I will get to see and hug both of them again.
2. God's Plan is Perfect
I've learned that from His perspective everything happens for a reason. We just can't often see it.
3. Joy in Christ
Above all things, the joy we feel comes from Jesus Christ. No matter the circumstance.
God be with you til we meet again Luke and Eli️ Thanks for everything.
Love, Elder Derek Hayes
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