The one where we are now in phase 3

 Hey y'all! I'm still alive out here in Denton Texas don't you worry! It's been a while since I've talked to y'all, so let me catch you up!

As my weekly title says we are now in phase 3, and this last month we have gotten a lot more freedom to do missionary work so yay!! We can street contact and even tract if we feel prompted to! This is a HUGE deal and I honestly never thought I'd live to see the day (as a missionary of course.)

So we have been working really hard to find people, street contacting and trackting isn't really any more effective than it was before COVID to find solid people in case y'all were wondering haha.
We are starting two Fruits of the Gospel classes in the Denton Stake which is sweet! They start on June 1st and we have begun advertising for them! They are Job Seeking Skills and Personal Finance and we are hoping to have tons of members and nonmembers there! Should be awesome:)

We had Mission Leadership Counsel in person this week which was SWEET. It's a mission-wide meeting where President, his assistants, the Zone Leaders, and STL's get together. It was really powerful and insightful and we also got Costa Vida so😉
We have also been doing lots of service! Specifically, we've been trying to serve in the community and for nonmembers so that's been fun❤

Other than that, our fitness center in our apartment complex is almost done so yayyyyy!☺
It's been a great week with Elder Spencer and Murhula in the trio and lots of miracles are happening! I'm so grateful for my mission and i want to finish it out strong! Love y'all! Email me!

Elder Hayes
