Well Here We Are...

Well here we are, everyone! At the end of another transfer and dang it flew! Elder Meyers goes home on Thursday which is really sad but I'm so excited for him to play a ton of video games for me! Hahaha.

This week was really good! On Tuesday I went on an exchange with Elder Guajardo!!! It was so fun!!! We had a lot of service with a food bank and we also went to Brenda's! It was a lot of fun and just to let you all know Elder Guajardo is bumping up from District Leader to be Zone Leader with me here!!! I AM SO EXCITED BAHAHA. It's going to be so fun and we are going to get such good work done!! He is such a stud!

On Wednesday we had the final Spanish district Council and we had a funeral for Elder Meyers, so sad. It was really good though! We also went to another English District Council that was awesome as well! we also helped this little 9-year-old girl learn how to read! Her mom recently passed away and she now lives with her Grandma who is a member! It's really sad but we are going to help her read better and hopefully teach her more of the Gospel:)

On Thursday we had another District Council (I know it's a lot.) That one was also very good too! Haha for those who don't know, District Councils normally consist of talking about the needs of our people we are teaching, and typically some activities or discussion that missionaries are assigned to lead out:) also IM DOING PATHWAY. Haha for those who don't know what that is, it's pretty much cheap online college that has transferrable credits to quite a few universities and our mission is piloting it! So in other words our mission is the first mission to have missionaries participate in it! Since my dad is the International Director of BYU-Pathway Worldwide, I figured I'd take it haha. It really was so divine that I came to this mission though that is piloting it out of all the missions there are!! So crazy.

On Friday we went over to some Elders apartment and worked online with them for a little! We had a mini exchange with them and then worked in their area book! Trying to help them out and give them pointers on how it can be better:) that went really well and we also had a Social Media Blitz later that night where I led out a training! We contacted a ton of Dots in our area book and discussed what the best way to go about doing so is! It went really well and all the missionaries in the zone were there and working:)

On Saturday I literally had one of the busiest days bahaha. We had service in the morning and this place helping organize and hang up clothes, and then we ate lunch and went to our zone car wash service(where I got a nice tan;)) and then we went and helped an investigator move! I hadn't helped someone move in a while and I forgot how heavy couches are especially when it doesn't fit in the Elevator and you have to carry it up 3 flights of stairs and it's kinda narrow too which DOES NOT HELP. We did it though! Haha, I was so happy to help out! It's this awesome Peruvian family that the missionaries used to teach pretty actively! Hopefully, we can get things to start happening with them again! And then we had a good Hispanic dinner. Yum! And then we had a family home evening with an awesome recent convert and then we ran home because it was late haha so very busy!

Sunday was good. Pretty chill day! Had a great lesson with my dad's best friend Miguel again and he is just so ready! So excited for him:) Anyways transfers can always be sad but oh well. That's how it is. Hermana Pyper is leaving which is sad because she has been here the whole time I've been here but she is GOING TO STEPHENVILLE. My old area. I'm SO EXCITED FOR HER THAT I DON'T EVEN CARE SHE IS LEAVING ANYMORE HAHAHA. I have so many things for her to do there haha it will be sick!! Also, the Denton zone in my mission got put under quarantine because a missionary got COVID! Pray for her! Her name is Hermana Wright! Also, pray for all the missionaries there! I have good friends there.

Good week overall. Many good things have happened, and again and again, God has been in the details of my mission/life. I am so excited for all that lies ahead and for his guiding hand in my life. 

Love y'all!
Elder Hayes


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