The one where I am in ARLINGTON

What is up everyone Elder Hayes here in his 4th area here in the Texas Fort Worth Mission! It's been good so far so let me catch you guys up!

On Monday for the last p day, we played soccer! It was so so fun and made me so happy haha:) I LOVE soccer. Then we went ice skating with my Spanish District! It was sad to say bye but change is good too! We called Evelia and taught the ten commandments! I also told her we were leaving and told her the new missionaries would contact her! It was sad but she is awesome and I hope the missionaries have success with her😊.

On Tuesday we packed and cleaned the apartment! We also had a final service with the whole zone where we got to hand out the gifts we'd been sorting at Salvation Army! So that was awesome😊 I loved to see it all come together!

On Wednesday it was time to leave and it was very sad. I got to my new area with my new companion Elder Schow! Hes pretty cool. The apartment is kinda gross so we started with cleaning haha. The area doesn't have a ton going on but I've been working hard to get it going again! We had a member dinner that night which was awesome!

On Thursday we helped out at a food drive which was lots of fun! We helped feed a ton of families which is always a good thing. Then we also planned quite a bit and made some goals! I love goal setting!! Its the best:)

On Friday we did some more service in the morning and the hermanas were also there and it was awesome! We helped tape coupons on Chick-fil-a bags. It was at this place called River Legacy Living Science Center and they have an Arachnid Exhibit going on right now! It was so dope! We got a private tour and wow it was super cool! See attached pictures! Then later in the day we contacted a ton of people and set up lots of lessons! So good. And we had a lesson with the hermanas and it was really good! They passed off a dope family to us that we will be teaching now! We read about the tree of life in 1 Nephi 8 and they loved it!

On Saturday we helped clean the church and also later helped write letters to senior people! So that was fun! I drew a nice Christmas tree for them!😊 we also had a zone movie night and watched The Polar Express so that was fun!!

On Sunday church was good! I was able to play piano for the first hymn and that was great!:) and the ward is awesome! I tried to get to know as many members as I could😊 we went to a bible study with this guy named Paul who isn't a member and wow I learned so much about Daniel and Revelation that I never thought I'd learn😂 he is super smart that is for sure!! Then we watched Coco with a ton of English connect students and that was fun too!😊

Overall the new area is good and I'm stoked for Christmas woohoo❤😊
Let me know if you guys need anything!

Elder Hayes


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