Zone Conference!

Hey ya'll! 

So we had Zone Conference this week and it was really good! It was combined with three other zones so I was able to see some of my friends across the mission which was sweet! It was VERY long. That's okay though, the spirit was really strong throughout it all!

We went on exchanges with the Granbury Elders this week and it was a lot of fun. I was in Stephenville with Elder Schulthies and sadly the weather wasn't very good but we still had a good time! We found one person from tracting and contacted a few people!

Overall it was a pretty cold week. The wind here in Texas is brutal! It cuts right through you! Not a whole lot happened this week but we did find a few people! We sadly had to drop a date because he wouldn't come to church:( it sucked because he said he wanted to be baptized but he just struggled getting up to go to church! After a few weeks of doing everything in our power to make sure he had an alarm set as well as someone to take him, enough was enough. In the future hopefully some other missionaries have success with him!

We had quite a few lessons this week which was awesome! Right now we are mostly trying to really solidify our teaching pool! We have quite a few people we are teaching but we want to focus on the ones who are really going to keep commitments and progress towards baptism! It's a hard thing to do sometimes let me tell you!
We have been going through the member list with the ward missionaries which has been fun! There are a lot of old records in the ward that may need to be moved so we are visiting every person we don't know hahaha. As we keep doing it hopefully it finds us some part member families to teach!

It was a good week this week and I'm excited to continue finding out what the Lord needs for our area as well as our people! Elder Hunt is killing it as well:)

Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 9
52 Behold, my beloved brethren, remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice.

We can never pray enough! Keep on Praying!!! God wants to hear from you and he DOES care. LET YOUR HEART REJOICE. He is our loving Father in Heaven. 

Love you guys, have a good week!

Elder Hayes


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