What a Week!

 Hey, y'all! What is UP? Your favorite Elder Hayes here in Texas just thriving. This week was really good and we saw lots of miracles so let's get into it!:)

So to start this week off, on P day we played dungeons and dragons. If you don't know what this is, I'm not even going to try and explain😂 but my greenie Elder Vickers is a pretty solid Dungeon Master so playing was really fun for him! He loved it! Even cooler, the character I played was a character I created! I modeled it after a character in my book I'm writing! Anyways, you guys probably didn't care about that... but now I'll get into the miracle stuff!

So every day this week we had a member dinner which was wow incredible! I've enjoyed getting to know the members and it's been so fun to try and get them involved with sharing the gospel! On Tuesday we had Zone Conference and it. Was. GOOD. It was sad though because my old zone Fort Worth North got quarantined so they couldn't come!😭 super sad. Haha, but the spirit was super strong, and got to hear some good friends share their departing testimonies which were crazy to me😊😭 one thing that really stuck out to me was something the AP's talked about. Sacrifice. 

There are a lot of worldly things we leave behind as missionaries, and it's up to us to evaluate ourselves and decide what we can do a better job of leaving behind:) I definitely can be a LOT better in a lot of things! I'll take it one step at a time though. In general though as members we have to be willing to sacrifice to follow Christ! That's how it is😊 we have to rely on Him in every aspect of our lives!❤

On Wednesday we went to the Buddhist Temple and that was AWESOME! It's such a grind to bag food and hand it out buts it's such a good service! They always give us Vietnamese food too haha. It's pretty good! Very different for sure haha. It's a lot of tofu, fuh and greens! Also some other random stuff haha😂 later that evening we had a video call lesson with Blanca! She's doing good! We went over the Restoration with her again and she was really interested in reading more of Joseph Smith's story!  Hopefully, we can get her to keep more commitments!!

On Thursday we had a lesson with Elder Vickers friend back in Colorado! She is preparing herself to be baptized and Elder Vickers was a big reason for it! So proud of him😭❤ but she is awesome and is progressing very quickly! We also had District Council and had a Facebook Blitz! The Tech zone missionaries came and trained us on Facebook! Got to see some old homies so it was fun:)) and then the regular night Pathway grind happened, that was fun! I wrote an essay this week on how the holy Ghost can help us in our learning and how I think we can use it more! Kinda fun I guess haha.

On Friday we went to the dog shelter again haha which it's fun to see cute dogs and do some service! Also we had a good lesson with Flavia and her family! And invited them to a ward activity that night! They came and the ward activity was a huge success!!❤ we also met a less active part member family who decided to come and we are going to start working with them! For the ward activity, we watched Coco in Spanish and talked about family history:) so fun!!

On Saturday we had a TON of service. It was super good! We helped out at Buddha knocking over some trees and clearing branches, and we helped Bishop with a lot of stuff in our backyard! His wife made us Gorditas yummmm😊 love Hispanic food!

Our Sunday was good😊. Church was awesome and I'm loving the ward!:) We had an awesome dinner that night and they made us Tacos Discada which is tacos with a ton of different meats! It's so good! We got a referral from them too! Hermana Carias' Sister isn't a member so we have an appointment to visit her this week:)

So overall a lot of good things happened and I'm so grateful for the Lord! He's blessed me so much😊. Align your will with His! That's the only thing we can really give him:) Love you guys!

Elder Hayes


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